Haskell for Mayor

Vote Preston Haskell for St. Catharines Mayor

Monday, July 17, 2006

Media Release:

My name is Preston Haskell and NOW, I have done something that I never thought I would ever do.
        I have registered as a candidate to do the Mayor’s Job!

Make no mistake, folks! I did not say that I registered to become a Mayor!

        I said that I registered to do the mayor’s job!

Why have I waited so long to declare?

I have waited in hope for a strong candidate to come forward -
  • A candidate that deserves our support
  • A candidate that we could work hard for
  • A candidate that would put our community ahead of a political career!
        Folks, I finally came to realize that I should stop expecting someone else to champion the changes so necessary for the health and welfare of St. Catharines.

        Because of the fact that I have continually been on the frontline of concern for this great city and have tried asking City Council for action, I’ve tried to cajole them and finally, I realized that the next logical step is for me is to offer to do the job.
We have suffered excuses instead of answers…
We have suffered unnecessary secrets…
We are suffering from rampant vandalism…
Somehow we are attracting a large number of vagrants…
Prostitutes and pimps adorn our streets…
Garbage, auto tires, and even toxic waste clutter our landscape…
Crime is flourishing…
Decent jobs are disappearing…
Taxation is out of control…
It’s about time for the citizens to take back their City!

        It’s about time for the City to find new revenue…
NEW REVENUE from NEW commerce… NOT from its Citizens.

        It’s about time for our City to balance its budgets and STOP downloading costs on the taxpayers.

        I do have a promise. I promise to run for only one term.
This is public service, not a vocation!

        The Taxpayers of St. Catharines are my only ‘special interest group’ and I promise my ‘special interest group’ this one thing above all:
        If I can’t make the necessary changes to reinvigorate our city I will continually keep you informed as to what or who is standing in the way.

        Folks, I want your vote in November! I AM the candidate for progress and change! The status quo is no longer good enough.

        I represent a better strategy for the future. Put your X beside Preston Haskell in November and join the revolution.